May 1, 2009

Old drawings

While spring cleaning my apartment today I found a few old drawings, I don't know how old they are but spreading a few years back at least.

I used to draw a lot of these sorts of characters but I guess they have evolved into something different now, I think the last one I made in that sort of style was the "earth intruder" canvas print / illustration.

This is a very early drawing of these sort of blobby style things I've been experimenting with a lot over the years.

Hmm I think this might actually be the first one I drew in that style, or started drawing it looks incomplete.

Unfinished drawing of a robot invasion scene.

Here is a typeface I made for the animations in a Norma jean video I worked on a few years back together with Popcore film, I think that was the first time I worked on a music video.


Hanna Persson said...

du har sån talang kenny, helt otroligt!

matsa said...

Sjukt kul att se!
Mycket av de där grejerna är ju verkligen saker du skulle kunna göra klart!

Fast det kanske är roligare att göra nytt antar jag.

Kenny said...

Jo de skulle jag väll kunna men i dags läget skulle man nog vill göra om allt från början. men de är kul att kolla tillbaka på och se hur man utvecklats.

Anonymous said...

Tack for intiresnuyu iformatsiyu