Art collection
Got back a few new prints from the framers yesterday so we spent the day hanging and
arranging the art on our walls. Here are a few picture of our art collection at home.
I have to stress that unfortunately some artwork was hard to photograph do to reflections and bad lighting.On the right a painting (stencils and spraypaint I think on wood) by Damion Silver.
And on the left two small leopard pattern paintings on wood by Ulrika WA small and cute screenprint.
Screenprint by Tim Biskup
Some of our toys.
A D.I.Y Munny painted by myself.
On the right a screenprint by Dave Kinsey
A painting done by myself, acrylic and spraypaint on canvas.
Another painting I've made myself, It's not 100% completed yet but I hung it anyway.
Acrylic on canvas.Screenprint by Juliana Pedemonte
Painting on wood by Damion Silver
A painting by Erik Hurst on wood, Maria got this for her birthday from Erik.
Ink on heavy drawing paper by myself.
A old painting by myself as well.
On the left a canvas print by myself.
A ink drawing on paper by Molly A
A sweet print by Rinzen.
On the right 2 screenprints by Dave Kinsey, I wish I had the whole serie of 5 prints.
The picture don't do them justice they where hard to photograph thou to reflects from the sun outside.This is a fun drawing / aquarelle by Adam "Doseone" Drucker of my cat lego
as a 3 headed dragon.A candimals screenprint for italien screamo act Raein.
I don't think these frames make these prints justice so I will have them reframed soon.
A screenprint by Daniel Danger.
Hur får man tag i Dave Kinseys arbete? De är otroligt snygga!
Jag köpte mina för några år sen, då var de inte så knepigt jag köpte dom direkt från hans hemsida.
Hans grejer idag går sjukt fort man får vara riktigt riktigt snabb. Han släppte t.ex. en ny affisch i fredags i 140 ex den sålde slut på högst 1 timme. Men de mesta säljer han genom den här siten
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