Me and Maria went to Berlin last week for the 3rd Pictoplasma conference, great fun here are some pictures and stuff from the trip.

We arrived at Tuesday in Berlin and started by finding the hotel then realizing we where just on the outer edges of kreuzberg we went for some shopping, there is a really nice comic book shop in kreuzberg by the way.

Then we found this vegetarian burger place called "Yellow Sunshine" that all our Berlin visiting friends been bragging about, greeeeeeaaat place check out the 10 or so vegan burgers on the menu :)

Mmmm a Double chicken hawaii vegan burger :) I wish there was a place like this in Sweden :)

There was even a burger called "lappland" haha wonder what that came from? It had a huge soy steak instead of burger.

And this is my favorite along with the hawaii a soy burger with nachos and peanut sauce.

Next day the Pictoplasma character walk started. With a walk around Berlin visiting about 30 different exhibitions connected to the pictoplasma conference. A lot of nice artwork, very inspiring indeed, just check out this plush lower jaw thing above :)

This is Berlin!

Stairway going up to a great shop / gallery, can't remember the name of it but it's a great place, lots of books, art prints, breakcore music and tshirts, and the gallery shows as well. anyway look at this stairway haha so cool you would never see something like this in downtown Stockholm :)

The gallery show inside features pixel like artwork made up out off post it notes, great idea.

Miss van!

Really cool artwork made out of plastic in diffrent layers.

Maria trying on the TADO head :) so funny in less rains gallery space only open for the pictoplasma character walk.

Happy in Berlin :)

Then we headed for Hans Wurst Vegan Cafe for some nice diner.

Seitan steak with baked / fried potato :) sooo good.

And Maria got the fried Tofu something with pasta best pasta I've ever tasted.

And then we had to try the vegan cakes, one cream and pineapple and one chocolate mouse mmmm sweet.

Nice fabric rain cloud installation thing.

Back at the hotel room.

Next day it was time for the conference, here's a picture of the nice flag posts they'd made outside.

And this is Haus der kulturen der welt where it all took place, nice 50s modern architecture.

Let's get inside.

The inside, installation work by friends with you, check out the jump blow up castle at the upper right.

Presentation by the very funny Gastón Caba.

Pictopia exhibition opening night. A lot of people showed up :)

A wall of drawings and paintings

ShoboShobos installation / wall painting.

A huge puppet thing.

Bumper cars!!

Track painted by Rinzen. Some part where painted with UV colors giving a nice effect when dark and enlightened with UV lights.

Bumper car ride.

Boris Hoppek's huge cardboard installation. Boris had a really strange presentation earlier that day but equally interesting, apparently he doesn't speak that much so he had invited 5 friends to talk about him instead.

This painting was so nice!

Wood sculpture by Aj Fosik.

Tim Biskups paintings, this has got to be my favorites in the exhibition. Really cool, and he paints with vinyl cell acrylics the same colors used for hand coloring cartoon cells. I have to track these colors down would be so nice to paint with.

Gary Baseman's paintings.


This was one overly ambitious piece by Akinori Oishi :) but equally cool. drew for 4 or 5 days straight to get this done, and fitted it with a suitable title "drawaholic"

There is a cue of happy jumpers forming.

The jumping castle (or what might that be called in english? "hopp borg" in swedish anyway)

Hahaha really funny short about a stick that is going throu some file cabinets.

More presentations.

The explanation or maybe the key to creativity haha by David Oreilly if my memory is not mistaken, I guess this is not that far from the truth sometimes.

Klaus Haapaniemi showing some of his inspiration sources, if you haven't seen these cartoons you should look them up on youtube they are wonderful. It's the russian version of winnie the pooh.

Street art on the streets of Berlin.

Tired on the train going home.
Very interesting to eat pasta with the wall paintings...enjoyed your blog.
Love the blog!! and this inspired to create a blog!!
Thanks :)
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